Valentine’s Day Twibbon Links and Unique Traditions of Valentine’s Day Celebrations Around the World

Rio Chandika

Valentine Day dan Tradisi Unik Perayaan Valentine di Belahan Dunia

Valentine’s Day Twibbon Links and Unique Traditions of Valentine’s Day Celebrations Around the World – Regardless of the pros and cons of celebrating Valentine’s Day, in fact, love should be echoed anytime and in any form. Love between spouses, relatives, friends, family, coworkers, etc. And the whole world commemorates this Valentine’s Day as a day of love. No one forbids to celebrate or not to celebrate..

Valentine’s Day Celebration Traditions Around the World

Some countries have slightly different Valentine’s Day traditions. Although in the end both as an expression of love between each other. The following are some of the traditions of Valentine’s Day in several countries.

Valentine’s Day Traditions in the Philippines

The tradition of celebrating Valentine’s Day in the Philippines is quite unique because there are usually mass weddings on Valentine’s Day. The event is supported by the local government. The support is in the form of reception fees, flower bouquets, and cakes.

Valentine’s Day Traditions in El Salvador

Valentine’s Day is synonymous with love and friendship. In El Salvador, people used to play a game of “Secret Friend”. People will record the names of the closest people including their respective friends on a piece of paper. The papers containing these names will be chosen at random. The selected paper will bring up a name which must then be given a special gift on Valentine’s Day.

The Traditions of Valentine’s Day Celebrations in Peru

One type of flower that is abundant in Peru is the Orchid flower. On Valentine’s Day which coincides with the summer carnival, people celebrate it by exchanging these orchids.

Valentine’s Day Celebration Traditions in South Africa

Referring to the ancient Roman festival of Lupercalia, in South Africa, young people will wear a heart on the sleeve that bears the name of their partner.

There are many more valentine traditions that are still being preserved by people in many countries, including social media. Many people embed twibbons or valentine photo frames and or share them with their friends in cyberspace.

Link Twibbon Valentine Days 14 Februari 2022

50+ Link Twibbon Valentine Day 14 Februari 2022

The following is a twibbon link for Valentine’s Day February 14, 2022 that you can use for free, here’s how to make it.

[button color=”green” size=”big” link=”” icon=”” target=”false”]DOWNLOAD HERE[/button]


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